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on your Pregnancy!

Are you ready for an


pregnancy, labor, and postpartum experience?

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Core Pregnancy

Finding out you are pregnant is very EXCITING, but then, it is not long and you already have a list of questions. There is so much information out there, where do you begin?

In CORE Pregnancy Fitness, you will learn how to

keep or get your body strong during pregnancy, to help have a better pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum experience.

Image by Anna Hecker

Do you want to...

-  Feel healthy and fit during pregnancy

-  Prepare physically for labor and birth

-  Feel confident with your birth plan

-  Quickly recover after birth

Prepare During Pregnancy

-  Core and pelvic floor exercises

-  Pelvic floor strengthening and mobility program

-  Abdominal strengthening

-  Preventing diastasis rectus abdominis

-  Stretching video for building flexibility

-  Building a team to support you

Have an Amazing Birth

- Have a shorter labor

- Push for less time and reduce risk of perineal tearing

- Reduce the need for medical procedures

Recover Quickly

-  Reduced tearing leads to shorter healing time

-  Stronger abs and no diastasis results in quicker ab recovery

Research Supports Exercise

-  Moms who exercise in pregnancy are more likely to have an unmedicated vaginal birth, if desired.

-  Exercise in pregnancy reduces pain so you can enjoy pregnancy.

- Exercise reduces risk of pre-eclampsia, hypertension, gestational diabetes and other maternal complications.

Meet the Physical Therapists

Dr. Katy Girlinghouse

Photo Miranda.jpeg

I am a pelvic health physical therapist who seen numerous women struggle with knowing what to do to prepare their body for birth or how to recover.  


I admit, I struggled with the birth of my first child. Despite reading the books and going to several different birthing classes, the information I got was incohesive and often contradictory, I didn't have access to the best birth team, and I ended up unhappy with that birth experience.


But that all changed with my second birth! After helping women have the birth they wanted, helping them have a healthy and fit body and quick recovery, I was able to use what I was teaching my patients. I prepared my body, mind, and birth team, and had a completely different, wonderful experience with the birth of my second child!


You can have an amazing experience too.



Dr. Miranda Morris


I am a pelvic health physical therapist who primarily treats pregnant and postpartum women, as I have a passion for helping women during this phase of life. 


When I became pregnant with my daughter a few years ago, I did not have the knowledge that I do now and had so many questions. I did a lot of research and it was hard to find good and consistent information on preparing for pregnancy, how to have a natural birth, and postpartum healing. I did end up finding a great birth team, but still would do things differently next time. 


I have since specialized in pelvic floor PT to help expecting and postpartum mamas. I helped develop this program so that we can get this much needed information to as many expecting mamas as possible, while saving them the time of trying to find the answers on their own. 


Let us take some of the stress off of you by giving you all of the information yon need to have the best pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience!

For only $99 you can…


-  Have a healthy, fit pregnancy

-  Prevent abdominal separation

-  Have improved energy levels

-  Reduce your risk of vaginal tearing

-  Prevent unnecessary medical interventions

-  Prepare your body for labor and postpartum

-  Feel strong and pain-free during pregnancy

Image by Luma Pimentel

It's Not Too Late!

Even if you're in your last trimester and feel like you might deliver any day now, these exercises and activities will help you have the best pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum experience possible!

We are Moms and understand that your time is precious. That’s why we've made this class so easy to put into practice!

-  Each lesson is broken down into 1-20 minutes videos so that

    you can watch at your convenience

-  You don’t have to watch it all in one sitting

-  You can re-watch anything you missed or want to review

-  Every lesson comes with printouts for easy reference

-  You'll get workout videos to follow so you don't have to come up with your own workout each day

Did You Know?

-  Up to 85% of first time moms suffer from perineal trauma during birth

-  31.9% of women have cesarean births in the US (the World Health Organization

    recommends 10-15%)

-  Up to 66% of women have diastasis in their 3rd trimester

-  Over 50% of women still have diastasis 8 weeks postpartum

-  72% of laboring women in the US use an epidural or spinal analgesia, which

    increases the duration of labor by over 2 hours and is associated with greater

    tearing, need for cesarean, and use of instrument assisted delivery

-  Stress during pregnancy is associated with higher rates of preterm birth and

    low birth weight

Many women are not sure which exercise are safe in pregnancy and stop working out.

You will have safe exercises and stay fit!

Core Pregnancy Fitness
includes all of this for only $99!

  • Core and pelvic floor exercises for a better labor and recovery

  • 15 minute yoga workout for a healthy, flexible pregnancy

  • 10 unique workouts to strengthen muscles most affected during pregnancy

  • Anatomy of the core - learn the muscles of the abdominal canister and why these muscles are important in pregnancy

  • Changes in your body in pregnancy and when to see your Pelvic Health PT

  • Fitness Recommendations and Pre-made plan for you to stay active and fit

  • Pregnancy Safe exercises that you can complete throughout pregancy

  • Recognize Ab Separation, or Diastasis, and how to prevent during pregnancy

Core Pregnancy Fitness
 is open now! 

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